Web & Mobile Applications

Through innovative UX/UI designed prototypes we develop custom applications to improve user experience for web and mobile devices

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Through PWA’s we can bring together the two worlds of native Mobile Apps and Web Apps. This means incredible user experiences and native phone functionality with flexibility and reach of the web. This delivers a cost saving by reducing the time required to create native apps.

Native Mobile Applications

If budget is not prohibitive and your looking for cutting edge technology to maximise the native feature set then a native app could be the best option. Native apps give access to phone software/hardware, better push notifications and augmented reality applications.

Business Apps

In the digital age businesses operate in a faster more informed world. It is vital through automated data analytics to increase operational productivity and make well informed business decisions, saving time and money through smart digital investments.

Rapid Prototyping &
Proof of Concepts (POC)

Before commiting time, resources and funds into a project it is important to consider researching and prototyping. In the long run it will identify challenges to the business model or technology limitations and highlight essential features or oversights. POC or Rapid Prototyping removes laborious technical specifications and extremely costly specification changes during development, ensuring projects can be delivered on time and on budget.

Cloud Hosting

Harnessing the power and performance of our cloud with managed hosting solutions for unrivalled scalability, flexibility and in house 24/7 support.

Support & Maintenance

Having built and supported enterprise applications since 2006, we’re experienced to support and client project. We are technology agnostic which allows us to support a wide range of solutions from PHP, .NET, Python and many more. As your development partner we offer a range of support packages to give you the right team and peace of mind.

Our method

Build . Test . Iterate

Get to the market quickly

Adpat specifications to deliver a fit for purpose product

Learn from user experience

Identify and solve issues quickly

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